The contacts page allows you to manage your contacts and details like opt-out and consent message status, import in bulk, and more.
Note: Although the app does not utilize the e-mail address for communication, the e-mail address field is helpful when utilizing features like Relay Webhooks and the API as a secondary identifier field for integrations.
Note: Although the app does not utilize the e-mail address for communication, the e-mail address field is helpful when utilizing features like Relay Webhooks and the API as a secondary identifier field for integrations.
Note: Choosing to edit the "Opted out" checkbox manually will permanently opt this contact out, until the contact replies back with START or UNSTOP.
Note: Some users and account types may have the delete feature disabled by their adminstrator.
Importing allows you to load contacts from a CSV file into your account, optionally allowing you to segment your contacts into specific lists while uploading.
Note: We provide a sample CSV that is pre-formatted for you to fill in your data. Please make sure that your CSV files match the format before uploading. Improperly formatted CSVs, will result in the entire import failing.
Note: If you included a header row (e.g. "Full Name, Phone, Email") you may choose the "Skip First Line" checkbox to intentionally skip the first row of the list.
Note: If you would like to import these contacts into a specific list for marketing purposes, you can choose the list from the "Import Contacts into Selected List" dropdown. If the dropdown does not display, you should double check that at least one list exists in your "Lists" page.
There may be a time where you need to delete all contacts for a user, like when reassigning a number or after an import of invalid or unintentional contact data.
Depending on the size of your contact list, this process may take several minutes and your contact list may refresh several times as it syncs with the server.
Note: Some users and account types may have the delete contacts feature disabled by their administrator.